Oak Bay police briefs

Police remind residents to lock vehicles in King George Terrace area

Roadblock highlights impaired implications

A Counter Attack check stop on July 30 netted a pair of driving prohibitions, trio of tickets and nine warnings to drivers in the 1000-block of Foul Bay Rd.

A 40-year-old Langford man was issued a three-day roadside prohibition for impaired driving and a 28-year-old Victoria man was issued a 24-hour driving prohibition for driving affected by drugs.


Lock your cars remind police

Thieves continue to target unlocked vehicles in Oak Bay. Police were called in a series of incidents from Aug. 1 to 3 on Inglewood Terrace, Barkley Terrace and King George Terrace for thefts from vehicles.

Items stolen include loose change and cash to electronics and golf clubs. A purse stolen from one vehicle was later found in the bushes.

Oak Bay police encourage drivers to remove all valuables from vehicles.


Drunk on probation warrants court appearance

Oak Bay police were called shortly before 7 a.m. on Aug. 5 for a report of an unresponsive male on the ground near Milton and Elgin roads. Police found the man was intoxicated and on probation with conditions including to abstain from drinking alcohol.

The Victoria man was charged with breaching his probation condition.























Oak Bay News