Oak Bay police chief stepping down for new RCMP job in Nanaimo

Oak Bay police chief Mark Fisher leaving to become Nanaimo RCMP's new detachment commander in early 2014.

Oak Bay police chief Mark Fisher is leaving next year to become the new RCMP detachment commander in Nanaimo.

Fisher has been with Oak Bay police since July 2011. He worked for the RCMP for 20 years and was last at West Shore RCMP detachment, prior to Oak Bay. He has also worked in Williams Lake, Gold River, Comox Valley, Bella Coola and Creston.

“Mark possesses a wealth of operational policing knowledge and strong command skills which will be of great benefit to the Nanaimo detachment, and the communities it serves,” said chief superintendent Ray Bernoties, incoming commander of the RCMP Island district, in a  RCMP press release. “I am very pleased to welcome Mark back to the RCMP as the commander of the Island district’s largest detachment.”

Nanaimo RCMP has 147 police officers and 70 civilian staff.



Victoria News