Amy Morrison was surprised to find a note on her windshield for parking on a public street with no restrictions in south Oak Bay where she works. (Amy Morrison Photo)

Oak Bay resident uses notes to claim street parking

'You must have noticed, we park in front of OUR HOUSE,' note writer says

A woman who parks her car on the street near her workplace in south Oak Bay has had about half a dozen notes put on her car from a resident claiming it’s in front of their house.

Parking on a public street is public property. Thus ensued a small debate on Facebook, where Amy Morrison posted a photo of the latest note on Friday.

READ ALSO: Hundreds of warning notes issued in first weeks of Victoria’s Sunday parking fees

“I rotate where I park every day with a two-block radius so as to not cause any inconvenience to anyone. The street has unrestricted parking but I’m not here to argue my right to park in front of someone’s house – I recognize not everyone is able-bodied or they have to wrestle with small children or pets and parking in front of their house is an appreciated luxury and I don’t mind the walk. I would rather be accommodating than right,” Morrison posted.

The post picked up 200 comments in the first four hours on Friday.

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