Chloe Cameron, 4, with a certificate from the Children’s Health Foundation of Vancouver Island as thanks for her donation. The youngster raised $183.40 with a lemonade stand during the Oak Bay Collector Car Show.

Chloe Cameron, 4, with a certificate from the Children’s Health Foundation of Vancouver Island as thanks for her donation. The youngster raised $183.40 with a lemonade stand during the Oak Bay Collector Car Show.

Oak Bay youngster shows that kids care

Red Art Gallery hosts four-year-old's fundraiser

Chloe Cameron probably hasn’t read Robert Fulghum’s All I really need to know I learned in kindergarten, but she can already do him one better.

“It’s nice to help sick kids,” says the four-and-a-half-year-old as she wiggles in an office chair.

Her friend Bobb Hamilton asked her if she’d like to run a lemonade stand during the recent Oak Bay Collector Car Show to earn a little money.

“Bobb said I could, and I said yes,” she says, attempting another spin in the chair.

Instead of keeping the money for herself though, she talked to her mom Caity about making a donation with her earnings.

“She was sick earlier in the summer – she didn’t need Jeneece Place, but she thought it would be nice to help sick kids,” says Caity.

She set up the stand in front of Hamilton’s Red Art Gallery and his wife and artist Marion Evamy baked muffins for Chloe to sell along with the lemonade.

“I even got to have some,” Chloe, now fully recovered from her illness, says with a grin.

She had fun selling lemonade and muffins and has plans to add cookies to the mix next time. “Chocolate chip cookies!”

At the end of the day, Chloe, a student at St. Christopher’s Montessori school, made a donation of $183.40 to the Children’s Health Foundation for Jeneece Place and received a certificate in appreciation.

Oak Bay News