Officer suffers bite injury

Witnesses at the scene assisted the police officer in gaining control of a woman.

  • Jan. 27, 2012 3:00 p.m.

ON JANUARY 26 at approximately 10 PM a 27 yr old woman kicked the door in of a residence on Pear St.

She then ripped a DVD player from the wall in an attempt to steal it. A 17 yr old girl in the residence was awoken by the noise. The woman attacked the girl and began to punch her in the face. She was pulled off of the girl by the girl’s mother and pushed out of the house.

The woman is known to the 17 yr old girl’s mother.

Police located a woman in the area and arrested her for break and enter and assault. Upon arrest, she flew into a rage. She struck the police officer in the face, and then bit his arm. The bite broke his skin through three layers of clothing.

Witnesses at the scene assisted the police officer in gaining control of the woman.

“When witnesses assist us in situations like this, we just can’t thank them enough. We were able to gain control of the woman without causing injury to her, and that is very important to us. Our member was assessed at Mills Memorial Hospital and will likely be scarred, but otherwise ok,” says Cst. Angela Rabut of the Terrace RCMP.

The woman will be appearing in court today, Jan. 27. Terrace RCMP are recommending charges of break and entering, assault, mischief, and assaulting a peace officer causing bodily harm.


Terrace Standard