Northern Gateway Joint Review Panel members listen to oral presentations in Terrace May 8, the second of three days slated for the federal hearings here at Kitsumkalum Community Hall. From left to right are panel members Kenneth Bateman, chair Sheila Leggett and Hans Matthews.

Northern Gateway Joint Review Panel members listen to oral presentations in Terrace May 8, the second of three days slated for the federal hearings here at Kitsumkalum Community Hall. From left to right are panel members Kenneth Bateman, chair Sheila Leggett and Hans Matthews.

Oil pipeline hazards cited at Terrace hearings

Sixty people are speaking in Terrace this week as hearings into Enbridge's Northern Gateway pipeline plan continue.

  • May. 8, 2012 10:00 a.m.

A SECOND day of hearings into the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline project is underway at the Kitsumkalum Community Hall today.

Starting at 9 a.m. today, 32 speakers are scheduled to give 10-minute presentations to the panel appointed to listen and make a decision on the viability of the project. The hearings are scheduled to continue tomorrow.

Northern Gateway Joint Review panel (JRP) members Sheila Leggett, Kenneth Bateman and Hans Matthews will be listening to 60 presentations here this week.

At today’s presentation, Terrace’s John Jensen questioned the integrity of the process, saying that although he’d shown up to exercise his democratic right to partake in the hearings he doesn’t have faith that the panel has an influence over the project.

It’s a stacked deck,” he said, pointing to recently passed legislation that gives the federal government power to overrule any decision made by an independent hearing panel like the Northern Gateway JRP.

Others, like Lori Merrill, spoke from the heart in referring to theweb of life that the water provides for all.”

She painted verbal images of old growth trees and other natural elements that rely on local river systems, not to mention people.

Merrill said the profound beauty of our region has attracted those dedicated to being its environmental stewards, acknowledging that as her motive for speaking.

Those who spoke last night included Ken Beddie, Patrick Butler, Christopher Gee, Inke Giannelia, Aaron J. GreyCloud, Anne Hill, Greer Kaiser, Jupiter MacDonald, Roderick Bruce Meredith and Terry Walker.

Those slated to speak today include: Robin Austin, Matthew Beedle, Frances Birdsell, Rob Brown, Amanita Coosemans, Jim Culp, Ian Gordon, Bessie Haizimsqu, John How, John Jensen, Mikael Jensen, Brian Kean, Amy Klepetar, Lori Merrill, Andrena Moore, Dustin Quezada, Laszlo Ratkai, Sheree Ronasen, Roberta (Boby) Wagner, Allen Wootton, Judith Chrysler, Richard Clair, Mark Collins, Jezz Crosby, Francoise Godet, Paul Hanna, John Krisinger, Alexander Lautensach, Alan Lehmann, Larisa Tarwick, Jane Treweeke and Brenda V. Wesley.

Those scheduled to speak tomorrow, May 9, include: Randall Rodger, Robert Hart, Andre Jean Carrel, Donald J. Bruce, Betty Geier, Paul Geier, Nada Last, Troy Peters, Cheri Reidy, Shekina Smart, Colette Stewart, David Duddy, Walter R. Fricke, Malcolm Graham, Sam Harling, Noel Reidy, Mia Reimers and Amy Spencer.


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