Okanagan chefs barbecue for good cause

Saturday's first annual Raise the Roof BBQ Challenge raised money for Habitat for Humanity Kelowna.

Delta Grand Okanagan chef Stuart Klassen slices through his brisket at the first annual Raise the Roof BBQ Challenge Saturday.

Delta Grand Okanagan chef Stuart Klassen slices through his brisket at the first annual Raise the Roof BBQ Challenge Saturday.

Delta Grand Okanagan chef Stuart Klassen is confident in his ability to cook a good brisket.

He put that confidence to the test in front of over 100 people Saturday at the hotel’s parkade rooftop.

Klassen competed against local executive chefs from Mission Hill Family Estate, RauDZ, Twisted Tomato and Watermark Beach Resort, as well as a touring independent chef, as part of the first annual Raise the Roof BBQ Challenge.

The cook-off was a fundraiser for Habitat for Humanity Kelowna.

“Delta’s number one charity across the whole chain is Habitat for Humanity,” said Klassen.

“All the hotels always have a big fundraiser and work with Habitat to raise money for them.”

Klassen teamed up with Habitat’s Jacki Wlodarczyk, resource development officer, to plan the event.

When asked whether or not his competition might defeat him in the event he helped orchestrate, Klassen said: “They’re all going down, they don’t have a chance.”

At 2 p.m. judges began sampling briskets and writing down scores. The winner is expected to be announced later today.

One of the judges responsible for crowning a winner was West Kelowna Mayor Doug Findlater.

Findlater said he was not only focusing on taste of the briskets, but also presentation.

The Westside mayor said he signed up to fill his stomach when he learned the event would be helping a good cause.

“Habitat is important because they are providing housing to people who need it,” said Findlater.

Over the past several months the non-profit organization has been working to provide a house for Star Mengede and her special needs children.

Habitat has been trying to raise $125,000 in order to make the campaign a success.

Last month when Star’s house was delivered in West Kelowna, Wlodarczyk said Habitat was still shy of that target.

“We’re still in the process of wrapping up Star’s house, which she’ll be moving into at the end of September,” said Wlodarczyk.

Money raised Saturday will help complete Star’s campaign and give Habitat the hand up they are so quick to offer to others.


Kelowna Capital News