Okanagan College: Local impact on global change

The public is invited on April 8 to explore the issues developing countries face.

  • Apr. 1, 2015 10:00 a.m.
Janine Roth with a Haitian student she connected with during one of her aid missions.

Janine Roth with a Haitian student she connected with during one of her aid missions.

Kelowna resident Janine Roth was raised to recognize that not everyone in the world is as fortunate as most Canadians and that time truly is the most valuable thing we can all give.

The 29-year-old Okanagan College International Development diploma student has travelled and contributed to aid efforts in Haiti, Uganda, Kenya, Israel, Venezuela, Mexico and China.

“I wanted to go to these countries to hear and see for myself what those communities needed,” Roth said in a press release. “It’s important to focus our development efforts on what the people in those countries tell us they need, versus us going in with our own ideas of what we think they need.”

The public is invited to explore the issues developing countries face and hear from the individuals and organizations in our Okanagan community who are helping transform the lives of those in need.

This inaugural International Development Night is hosted at Okanagan College’s Kelowna campus in the Student Services Building on April 8 from 4 to 6 p.m.


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