Okanagan families explore the snow at Mission Creek Regional Park

Families discovered animal tracks, analyzed snowflakes and built snow shelters at Saturday's inaugural Explore the Snow event.

Julia Courtney uses a magnifying glass to identify the snow on her mitten at the inaugral Explore the Snow event held at Mission Creek Regional Park Saturday.

Julia Courtney uses a magnifying glass to identify the snow on her mitten at the inaugral Explore the Snow event held at Mission Creek Regional Park Saturday.

Several families had a busy day in the snow Saturday at the inaugural Explore the Snow event at Mission Creek Regional Park.

First, children were asked to search for tracks in the snow as the group walked some of the park’s trails.

“We found some deer tracks, dog tracks and a few other things,” said Regional District of the Central Okanagan park interpreter Alison Campbell Urness.

Next, the group analyzed snow with a magnifying glasses in an attempt to discover as many different types of snowflakes as possible.

Finally, the shovels were brought as the group attempted to create a snow shelter.

“This is the first family program we’ve run,” said Campbell Urness.

“It’s huge, really popular.”

Shelley Courtney brought her daughters Julia and Maya out to the event after reading about it online.

“It’s nice to have guided assistance so you’re not just walking around and it’s nice to do it as a group,” said Courtney.

Campbell Urness said Explore the Snow had a science element to it; however, most of the focus was on playing in the snow.

With a positive turnout on Saturday, the regional district will continue to look for ways it can provide more family programs, she added.

The next family event is geocaching in Rose Valley Regional Park Feb. 16. The program is free; however, pre-registration is required.

To register, phone 250-469-6139.



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