Old-growth logging protest attracts crowd at B.C. Forest Minister’s Castlegar office

March was in solidarity with the Fairy Creek blockade on Vancouver island

A group of more than 70 people showed up at B.C. Minister of Forests and Lands Katrine Conroy’s office in Castlegar May 25.

March participant Paul Grace-Campbell says they were there to show solidarity with the blockade at Fairy Creek on southern Vancouver Island.

RELATED: Arrests resume at logging protest camps on Vancouver Island

“Premiere John Horgan along with Minster Conroy have broken campaign promises regarding old growth preservation – with nearly half the area they said would be protected remaining open to logging,” said Grace-Campbell.

“Minister Conroy’s constituents are not going to stand by and let her office and the NDP government put this majestic stand of old-growth forest on the chopping block.”

The protest was organized by Fridays For Future youth, Extinction Rebellion and Stop Ecocide Canada.

According to Grace-Campbell the crowd included grandparents, moms and babies, youth, health care workers, forestry workers and many other concerned citizens.

Another demonstration was held May 31. About 150 people gathered at Conroy’s office before marching around downtown Castlegar.

MLA Katrine Conroy was unable to respond to a request for comment before press deadline.

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