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On behalf of the taxpaying public: show me the science

"We would just like to see the science rather than a fear-based reaction to what was presented as a suggestion, not mandated as a solution."

  • Apr. 11, 2018 12:00 a.m.

Stunned. That was Committee for an Affordable Fire Hall chairperson, Myrna Johnson’s, first reaction to the FireWise Consulting Ltd. report that has recommended career staff be moved from the existing Creston fire station immediately.

Her second reaction? “On behalf of the taxpaying public: show me the science.”

“While our Committee puts the health and well-being of all our firefighting staff first, a recent Work Safe BC letter seems to contradict the findings of FireWise. Why would the findings of a private consulting firm supersede the official government body which looks after the health and welfare of workers in BC?

We have always been anxious to see evidence or science-based research on the current condition of the hall. FireWise, while suggesting the career fire station staff be immediately relocated because of ‘potential’ dangers, does not offer air quality test results or proof of contamination. Neither have they proposed workable options, of which there must be many.”

Johnson went on to say the current fire station has been enjoyed by tour groups, school children, and cadets. It has been used regularly for firefighter social functions without any concern at all about the negative health impact of exposure to contaminants.

“We would just like to see the science rather than a fear-based reaction to what was presented as a suggestion, not mandated as a solution.”

On another front, The Committee for an Affordable Fire Hall has had an investigative team tour fire halls in several communities and the results have been exciting.

“We have been told a fire hall, using an engineered steel building, can be constructed for significantly less than the $305 per square foot in the Town’s original proposal. Other fire halls have very generously shared innovative ideas and cost-saving tips with us.”

The Committee plans to unveil the results of their research at a public meeting on May 2, at 6:30 p.m. at the Erickson Room at the Creston and District Community Complex. “We encourage everyone who is interested in the responsible use of public funds to attend.”

See below to read a letter from Work Safe BC Letter to the Committee for An Affordable Fire Hall regarding an inquiry for the prevention records for the Town of Creston, and the Creston Fire Hall Station from April 5, 2015, to April 5, 2018.

Submitted by Myrna Johnson | Chair | Committee for An Affordable Fire Hall

Creston Valley Advance