RCMP are on the scene near the intersection of Malabar Avenue and Bergstrom Road, which is the westernmost border between White Rock and Surrey. (Aaron Hinks photo)

RCMP are on the scene near the intersection of Malabar Avenue and Bergstrom Road, which is the westernmost border between White Rock and Surrey. (Aaron Hinks photo)

One arrested after ‘domestic’ incident near White Rock-Surrey border draws large police presence

Report of 'domestic with firearm': White Rock RCMP

One man was arrested after what White Rock RCMP called “a report of a domestic (incident) with firearms” at a home near the intersection of Malabar Avenue and Bergstrom Road.

The Tuesday afternoon incident – near the westernmost border of Surrey and White Rock – drew RCMP members from both cities.

Several police vehicles were in the area – witnesses reported counting as many as 13 at one point – as well as an ambulance. One witness told Peace Arch News that at one point officers had guns drawn.

White Rock RCMP Staff Sgt. Kale Pauls told PAN the situation “was resolved quickly, without incident” and that the investigation is ongoing.

Pauls added that Surrey RCMP assisted because White Rock officers were also dealing with two other unrelated incidents at the same time.

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