One, not two, fire trucks for Kelowna

A shiny new addition to the Kelowna Fire Department should roll into the city next year.

A shiny new addition to the Kelowna Fire Department should roll into the city next year.

Fire Chief Jeff Carlisle went to council Monday with a report highlighting the need for two new fire trucks, and came back with half of his wish-list crossed off.

An extra $130,000 was added to the 2015 budget top off the fund used to purchase the new engine, while $730,000 required for a second truck will be held back until some time into the future.

Coun. Luke Stack pointed out that adding some more money into the fund for the first truck seemed acceptable, given the current economic  climate and the pressures a falling Canadian dollar puts on spending power. But, buying a second engine would best be done with some planning in place, not on the fly.

In particular he suggested that some further study on long term planning and beefing up reserve funds would be appropriate.

“I do think it’s time, now that we’re aware we’re short, to start planning and we have to put our planning hats on and not just make a quick decision on the fly, which I feel we’re doing today,” said Stack.

Council voted five-three against approving funding now for the second truck, with Couns. Charlie Hodge, Tracy Gray and Brad Sieben voting against.



Kelowna Capital News