photo submitted Two trikes similar to this were stolen from the Seaton Centre although they are light purple in colour and did not have baskets. One has been returned.

photo submitted Two trikes similar to this were stolen from the Seaton Centre although they are light purple in colour and did not have baskets. One has been returned.

One stolen tricycle returned to Kindale

Organization hopes second bike will be returned for use by clients with developmental disabilities

One down, one to go.

The Kindale Developmental Association reports that one of the two three-wheeled bicycles stolen from the Seaton Centre May 10 or 11 was returned after an article appeared in The Morning Star Sunday.

“It’s fabulous to have one back,” said Cindy Masters, with the Kindale Developmental Association, which serves the needs of the developmentally disabled.

“Hopefully the second one will come back.”

Word of the theft had been posted on social media shortly after the incident, but no tips were received.

“It was the power of traditional media,” said Masters.

“It wasn’t until it was in The Morning Star that we got a call.”

The second trike can be returned to the Seaton Centre at 1340 Polson Dr. with no questions asked, or call 250-546-3005 or 250-503-7974.



Vernon Morning Star