One fire is currently listed as held at Wolfe Lake following several lightning strikes in the area. (BC Wildfire)

One wildfire at Wolfe Lake near Princeton now held

Two other fires still are listed as new in the area

  • Aug. 5, 2021 12:00 a.m.

One of the three Wolfe Lake wildfires that started on Aug. 4 is being held, according to the BC Wildfire Service dashboard.

The Pickard Creek fire, which also appeared around the same time, is still listed as a new fire.

The two Wolfe Lake fires are believed to have been started by lightning, while the Pickard Creek fire is still unknown.

READ MORE: 2 new fires spark near Wolfe Lake wildfire outside of Princeton

The two Wolfe Lake fires are both listed at just 0.10 hectares in size, while the Pickard Creek fire is currently listed at 0.60.

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