Metchosin Fire Department is reminding people that the deadline for open burns is May 31. (Submitted/Metchosin Fire Department)

Open burn deadline for Metchosin is May 31

It could be a smoky week as people clear off brush and broom piles before the deadline

  • May. 29, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Open burning season closes May 31 in the District of Metchosin, so residents and neighbours may notice some extra smoke in the air as people rush to burn piles of broom or other materials.

Small – less than two feet – controlled campfires are still permitted on private property.

The Metchosin Fire Department reminds all visitors that fires are never allowed in any parks or beaches in the District of Metchosin, whether they are under the authority of the municipality or the Capital Regional District.

ALSO READ: Beach fires not cool in Saanich but gas-powered fire pits permitted

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