Orchard owners facing losses after manhunt causes tree damage

A Keremeos area couple says

they are being forced to take a

financial hit after a manhunt came to an

end in their orchard in July.

A Keremeos area couple says

they are being forced to take a

financial hit after a manhunt for a

known violent criminal came to an

end in their orchard in July.

Kamal and Partap Jit who own

SS Produce said about 100 of their

trees were damaged in a vehicle

chase between RCMP and prolific

offender Arthur Teneycke on July


The manhunt also damaged

trees at the Taylor Farms orchard.

“About 100 apple, apricot and

nectarine trees were damaged.

They were fruit bearing trees so

the loss is big,” Kamal Jit said.

The orchard’s irrigation system

was also broken in several spots.

The Jit’s have fixed the irrigation

system as they could not wait

or other trees would be damaged

from not receiving water.

At this point the Jit’s have not

been able to find a way to be

reimbursed for the damage they

estimate to be about $10,000.

Teneycke is facing several

charges relating to the manhunt.

Allegedly he stole the vehicle that

was part of the pursuit that ended

in the orchard.

Kamal Jit said her crop insurance

does not cover the damage

because a stolen vehicle was


She contacted ICBC and was

told the same thing and advised

to go through her home insurance.

But there isn’t a home on the

land the orchard sits on.

She said she’s contacted the

RCMP because their vehicles also

drove through the orchard but the

process to claim damages has not

been made clear.

“OK it was a stolen vehicle but

the RCMP vehicles also damaged

the trees they must have insurance?”

Kamal Jit said. “We didn’t

do anything. We are the victims


Keremeos Review