Parksville Rotary Club President Bonnie Wallis, right, presented a $1,000 cheque to Will Chambers, chairman and founder of ShuGuy Ministries.

Parksville Rotary Club President Bonnie Wallis, right, presented a $1,000 cheque to Will Chambers, chairman and founder of ShuGuy Ministries.

Organization helping the homeless in Parksville Qualicum Beach one step at a time

Parksville Rotary Club helped Shu Guy Ministries with a $1,000 donation

With the onset of the cooler, wetter fall weather, Will Chambers says now is the time to help get dry shoes on people spending much of their time outdoors.

“Helping the homeless starts with the shoes,” Chambers, chairman of ShuGuy Ministries, previously said of the organization he founded after seeing a homeless guy with “the worst shoes I’ve ever seen.”

“We have literally given out hundreds of pairs of gently used shoes throughout the past year, mostly donated by Front Runner,” he said.

He said this is their peak season as they try to accumulate as many gently-used shoes and monetary funds as possible to help put appropriate shoes or boots on people in the Parksville Qualicum Beach area and across the Island.

“As winter approaches we are in need of any help we can get to raise support and get gently used winter footwear.”

He said that while everything starts with the shoes, as a registered nurse he’s also able to recognize infections or help direct them to other health services.

He thanked the Parksville Rotary Club for a recent $1,000 donation “towards our much needed capital cost of a 6×10 trailer to keep things dry.”

To donate visit or email Chambers at or 250-616-4829.

Parksville Qualicum Beach News