The Chemainus United Church has been subjected to three break-ins and thefts in less than four years. (Photo by Don Bodger)

The Chemainus United Church has been subjected to three break-ins and thefts in less than four years. (Photo by Don Bodger)

Original drums recovered amid offers to replace stolen Chemainus church set

Chemainus United Church grateful for actions of a caring community

  • Sep. 29, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The goodwill gestures by people in Chemainus to replace a stolen drum set and cymbals accentuated the positive aspects of living in the community that outweigh the negatives.

The Chemainus United Church’s plight came to light after a drum set and cymbals were stolen during a Labour Day long weekend break-in that drew a strong response from residents who wanted to help. One such anonymous person came forward after purchasing a good set of used drums and cymbals online for the church.

Related: Drum set stolen from Chemainus United Church

Another good Samaritan later answered the call as well last week and offered her drum set as a replacement.

“Like the first ‘good Samaritan’ who learned of our misfortune through your online news story, the second offer was the result of your printed story,” noted United Church board chair Jamie Stephen. “Although we gratefully declined a third drum set, that person’s spontaneous overture reinforced our faith in the goodness of people within our extended community.

“Thanks to everyone who shared in our disappointment over the theft and then quietly and, sometimes anonymously, encouraged us. Chemainus — what a great place to live!

“It does renew your faith and your confidence in your fellow man,” Stephen added.

A citizen alerted authorities that the original drum set had been located off the haul road among a bunch of other stolen items at the camp of a well-known suspect.

Fortunately, it hadn’t rained before the drums were recovered by police and they were still in good condition when brought back to the church by North Cowichan bylaw enforcement.

Cowichan Valley Citizen