Orthotics funding restored

The B.C. government has expanded its orthotics supplement for income assistance clients to ensure basic mobility needs are addressed, announced Minister of Social Development Harry Bloy.

  • Jul. 29, 2011 8:00 p.m.

The B.C. government has expanded its orthotics supplement for income assistance clients to ensure basic mobility needs are addressed, announced Minister of Social Development Harry Bloy.

Eligible clients can now receive up to $450 for custom foot orthotics (from $375) and receive replacement orthotics every three years, rather than every four years.

The updated policy also funds a broader range of medically necessary foot orthotics and footwear, such as:

• Off-the-shelf foot orthotics with no cost limit and no time limit on when they can be replaced.

• Up to $250 for off-the-shelf orthopaedic footwear, to be replaced once a year.

•  Up to $125 a pair for off-the-shelf footwear, to be replaced once a year (only when the client needs the shoe to accommodate a custom-made orthotic or brace).

Orthotics are special equipment and shoes that help correct or improve a condition of the foot, ankle or leg. The orthotics must be medically necessary to meet daily living needs and prescribed by a doctor or nurse practitioner.

This regulation change will come into effect Tuesday, Aug. 2, 2011.

“It’s important that people on income assistance are supported so theycan maximize their involvement in community life and perform the day-to-day tasks of living,” says Minister of Social Development Harry Bloy. “This updated policy for foot orthotics will help people maintain their mobility so they can improve their quality of life and contribute to their communities.”

Read more information on the updated policy, eligibility and the application process here: http://www.gov.bc.ca/meia/online_resource/health_supplements_and_programs/meorthotics/policy.html.

Williams Lake Tribune