Osprey trees will be cut

Neighbours complaints about aphid infestation on boulevard trees that was attracting a lot of wasps

Pitt Meadows council has approved the removal of about 20 boulevard trees in Osprey Village, and waived the city’s policy that states for every tree cut, three should be planted.

The issue was brought to the city after residents of Sawyers Road complained that an aphid infestation on boulevard trees was attracting a lot of wasps to the area, and also leaving droppings on parked vehicles.

Arborist Aaron Billard confirmed that the trees surrounding Sawyer’s Landing Townhomes, on Barnston View Road and Sawyers Road, are stressed and stunted. He recommended removal of some of the most crowded and unhealthy trees, to better space out the plants, and create more healthy conditions for remaining trees.

The city will advise the immediate neighbourhood, but at the suggestion of Coun. Bruce Bell there will also be communication to general community to explain the reasons for the tree removal.

“It is quite a problem, we’re not contemplating taking out a whole bunch of trees without a real solid, valid reason,” said Coun. Bill Dingwall.

Director of parks and facilities David Boag clarified that the close proximity of the trees is the main issue, and that the aphid problem brought unhealthy trees to the attention of the city.

He said ladybugs will be applied to the trees in the next week, and they should kill the aphids. Healthy trees are better able to combat aphids.

Most of the trees will likely be removed in the fall, although some rhododendrons may be cut down immediately.

Maple Ridge News