Star/Journal newspaper carrier Chris Frezell has been delivering the news to his customers for over 12 years, 10 of those years with his faithful companion Lilly Bear.Jill Hayward photo:

Star/Journal newspaper carrier Chris Frezell has been delivering the news to his customers for over 12 years, 10 of those years with his faithful companion Lilly Bear.Jill Hayward photo:

Over 12 years of servicing Star/Journal customers

The old statement "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds" has long been associated with postmen delivering the mail. However, the same can be said for newspaper carriers who deliver the news to their customers no matter what Mother Nature decides to throw in their way.

The old statement “Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds” has long been associated with postmen delivering the mail. However, the same can be said for newspaper carriers who deliver the news to their customers no matter what Mother Nature decides to throw in their way.

This Saturday, Oct. 12, is International Newspaper Carrier Day, and is a salute to the hundreds of thousands of newspaper carriers who deliver the news to homes across the country.

In recognition of this day, the North Thompson Star/Journal recognizes one of our carriers who has been taking care of our customers on his routes since 2007 and then some.

Barriere resident Chris Frezell says he first started delivering papers and flyer packs by helping his Dad, and then took over the route after his father passed away. He has continued delivering for the Star/Journal ever since.

Over time Chris has taken on a number of other paper routes as well, meaning he now services five routes with 340 clients on Wednesdays and Thursdays, all 52 weeks a year.

Chris says he enjoys the job, especially as he gets to take his faithful sidekick Lilly Bear along for company. Lilly Bear is a happy little 10-year-old Pomeranian dog who enjoys newspaper delivery day just as much as Chris does.

“I drive to the route, park, and then Lilley Bear and I walk from there making my deliveries,” tells Chris, “I try to walk as much as humanly possible to keep myself younger – or at least trick myself into thinking it!”

Chris says his carrier routes over the years, “Have been pretty smooth sailing, most of it is just talking to customers, and I like the feedback I get. I leave them a note when their subscriptions are about to expire so they will not miss having their Star/Journal delivered, and I continue to look forward to bringing the news and the flyer packs every week to my customers.”

Barriere Star Journal