Logan Warkentin, a longtime former Delta Sungod Swim Club athlete, is a fixture on the deck these days as a coach of the club’s Dragons Learn to Compete group. (Sungod Swim Club/Facebook photo)

Over $945K in grants coming to Delta arts, culture, sports groups

Funding is being provided through the B.C. government's Community Gaming Grants program

Thirty Delta-based non-profit arts, culture and sport are set to receive nearly $950,000 in provincial funding.

Five local arts and culture organizations are set to receive a total of $40,200, while 25 not-for-profit sports organizations will share $906,700 in grants. The funding comes as part of $45 million to be distributed this year through the provincial Community Gaming Grants program.

“While local soccer drills, arts programs and cultural celebrations may look different this year, I’m so pleased we can continue to support programs like these,” Municipal Affairs Minister Josie Osborne said in a press release.

“We know how important it is for not-for-profit organizations to continue to plan for the future, so when it is time for us to be together again we can fully embrace sports, arts and cultural experiences as part of living in our vibrant and healthy communities.”

More than 700 not-for-profit arts organizations are receiving approximately $18.1 million in community gaming grants to deliver arts and cultural programs in communities provincewide. Delta-based groups receiving funding include:

• Delta Community Band Society ($4,500)

• Delta Community Music School Society ($9,000)

• Jubilate Vocal Ensemble Society ($5,200)

• Sidekick Players Club ($15,000), and

• Young People’s Opera Society of BC ($6,500)

Meanwhile, more than 800 not-for-profit sport organizations are receiving over $27.3 million through the program. Delta-based groups include:

• Boundary Bay Bluebacks Swim Club ($32,500)

• B.C. Ball Hockey Association ($40,000)

• B.C. Golf Association ($29,000)

• Delta Deas Rowing Club ($30,800)

• Delta Gymnastics Society ($92,000)

• Delta Lacrosse Association ($43,000)

• Delta Minor Ball Hockey Association ($15,000)

• Delta Ringette Association ($24,500)

• Delta Skating Club ($40,300)

• Delta Sungod Swim Club ($42,000)

• Delta Thistle Curling Club ($13,900)

• Ex-Britannia Red Lions Athletic Association ($7,500)

• Ladner Minor Baseball Association ($25,000)

• North Delta Baseball Association ($26,000)

• North Delta Football Association ($17,000)

• North Delta Minor Hockey Association ($100,000)

• North Delta Soccer Club ($55,000)

• North Delta Sunfish Summer Swim Club ($25,000)

• Sungod Skating Club ($64,000)

• Sur-Del Girls Soccer Club ($37,200)

• Surrey Sharks Field Hockey Club ($16,500)

• Tunnel Town Curling Club ($22,500)

• West Coast Junior Lacrosse League ($77,000)

• Winskill Dolphin Swim Club ($20,000), and

• Winskill Otters Masters Swim Club ($11,000)

“We recognize that everyone is doing their best to keep our communities safe and flatten the curve. I appreciate how incredibly innovative organizations have been during these challenging times,” Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport Minister Melanie Mark said in a press release.

“We are committed to distributing these funds to organizations in a timely manner to make sure people can continue enjoying performances online, visiting their local museums by appointment, and taking part in the activities that bring them joy and support their well-being.”

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