Overall UFV payroll doesn’t budge

President and provost see modest pay bumps from previous year

Mark Evered

Mark Evered

The University of the Fraser Valley’s payroll barely budged last year, increasing just a tenth of a per cent over the previous year, according to the Statement of Financial Information for the last fiscal year, which ended in March 2016.

The university spent $73.4 million on salaries last year, up fractionally from 2014-15, when UFV paid out $73.3 million to employees.

Of that money, just over half – $37.3 million – went to those earning over $75,000. A total of $32.6 million went towards those employees earning less than $75,000, and the rest went towards employment insurance and Canadian Pension Plan contributions.

UFV president Mark Evered was again the highest paid employee, banking $210,028 in the 2015-16 fiscal year, up from $203,422 the previous year. He also recorded $17,427 in expenses.

Provost and vice-president of academic Eric Davis came closely behind, earning $196,214, up from $190,210 the previous year. He recorded $9,458 in expenses. They were followed by several others – mainly vice-presidents, and department heads – who earned just under $170,000.

By comparison, Simon Fraser University president Andrew Petter earned just under $400,000 last year and recorded $93,266 in expenses.


Abbotsford News