Overdue Chilko Lake kayakers safe and sound

A pair of overdue kayakers were located safe and sound en route back to Williams Lake Tuesday after family members contacted police.

A pair of kayakers were located safe and sound Tuesday after family members contacted the RCMP Tuesday.

Family became worried when the kayakers had not returned home from a long weekend of kayaking on Chilko Lake southwest of Williams Lake.

Const. Bob Marshall of the Alexis Creek detachment and fellow RCMP members embarked on a search for the kayakers first thing Tuesday morning and managed to intercept the pair en route back to Williams Lake.

“They weren’t in any danger,” Marshall said. “They didn’t think they were doing anything wrong, but the father was pretty concerned because he expected them back Monday evening and got worried.”

It’s important people be mindful and take survival gear when they plan weekend adventures to ensure they return when family members are expecting them, Marshall said, adding in some parts of the Chilcotin there’s no cell phone reception.




Williams Lake Tribune