Owner of McLure property applies to rezone for cannabis retail sales.

Owner of McLure property applies to rezone for cannabis retail sales.

Highlights from the Thompson-Nicola Regional District Board of Directors' Meeting of April 18, 2019

  • Apr. 25, 2019 12:00 a.m.

The Thompson-Nicola Regional District Board of Directors’ Meeting of April 18, produced the following highlights of reports and actions.

McLure Cannabis License Application

Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2679, 2019 was introduced and read a first and second time. The owner of property located at 1540 Canyon Road in McLure has applied to rezone the property from C-2: Service Commercial to C-2: Service Commercial with a site-specific amendment to allow Cannabis retail sales. The Bylaw will be taken to a public hearing in conjunction with a regular Board meeting.

ALR Application 148: Heffley-Louis Creek Road

The Board gave its support to subdivide a 2 ha portion of a 67 ha parcel located on Heffley-Louis Creek Road. The owner of the subject property applied to subdivide the property so that there is only one dwelling per parcel. The Board’s support is subject to the title of the smaller parcel being tied to the larger parcel, effectively preventing the independent sale or transfer of either property.

Public Hearing: Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2678

A public hearing was held for Zoning Amendment Bylaw 2678, 2019 which includes amendments to Cannabis and Second Dwelling Regulations, along with a rezoning amendment to enable an Eco-Depot in Boston Flats.

Members of the public were given the opportunity to address the Board and provide their views, and several residents raised concerns about the rezoning amendment to enable an Eco-Depot in Boston Flats. Jamie Viera, Manager of Environmental Services provided the Board and public with a brief presentation on the function of an Eco-Depot and an FAQ about the proposed site location.

The motion for a third reading was defeated by the Board.

Delegation: TRU’s Limitless Campaign

The Board was given a presentation on TRU’s Limitless Campaign by Jeff Sodowsky, VP, Advancement in attendance with Karen Gamracy, Director, Advancement. Limitless is a $50-million campaign to invest in the TRU campus, our regional communities and beyond. The presentation included a legacy opportunity for the TNRD that would have an impact for generations to come helping future teachers, nurses, and trades people of the region complete their educational goals.

New Solid Waste Management Bylaw Adopted

Solid Waste Management Facilities Bylaw No. 2681, 2019 was read a first, second and third time and was adopted by the Board. The proposed changes to the bylaw regulate and set fees for the use of TNRD municipal solid waste disposal and recycling facilities.

Notice Enforcement Amendment Bylaw Adopted

The Board adopted an amendment to Notice Enforcement Bylaw No. 2682. Because the new Solid Waste Management Facilities Bylaw includes issuing tickets for violations, this complementary amendment was required to establish those penalties.

Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2665 Taken to Public Hearing

A commercial development application was submitted to the Board requesting a site-specific amendment to Bylaw No. 2665 which would allow a commercial cardlock facility in Monte Creek. The bylaw was read a second time and will be taken to public hearing.

ALR Application 149: Honour House Society

The Board gave its support to the Honour House Society to enable non-farm use on ALC land located 15 km south of Ashcroft for an education, treatment, and support facility for first responders and military personnel suffering from PTSD. The property is the former site of a rural agritourist hunting/fishing resort that isn’t currently in operation. Read the report here.

Asset Management Policy Approved

The Board approved Asset Management Policy 5.2.2 for inclusion into the Board’s policy manual. This policy applies to staff and business units that manage TNRD infrastructure assets in the delivery of services to communities within the TNRD.

The next Regular Board Meeting is on May 16, 2019 at 1:15 pm.

Find the complete TNRD’s Board meeting minutes and reports at: www.tnrd.ca

Barriere Star Journal