Tracey McCullough, owner of Garden Child Care Centre, standing at the intersection of Mills and Littlewood roads with Heather Hastings, seven-year-old Jack Hastings, Cory Hastings, and five-year-old Felix Hastings. McCullough has been calling for a crosswalk at that location, echoing a previous appeal by the Hastings, who own the building. (Wolf Depner/News Staff)

Owner of North Saanich daycare calls for crosswalk

Tracey McCullough says she has been happy with the response of the District of North Saanich

  • Mar. 19, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The owner of a daycare in North Saanich is pleased with the response from the district after she called for a crosswalk at the corner of Mills and Littlewood roads.

Tracey McCullough of Garden Child Care Centre said she is really happy with the response from municipal officials. “But it’s a daily concern of ours, when we are outside, especially when we see how fast the cars drive in that section of the road.”

Meghan Mason, spokesperson for North Saanich, said staff have been in contact with McCullough to discuss this topic. “Council will be reviewing the (active transportation plan) later this month and Ms. McCullough is aware that this plan will likely relate to her request,” Mason said.

The appeal from McCullough (who said she has also heard from Mayor Geoff Orr and Coun. Heather Gartshore) is not the first of its kind.

Cory Hastings, who with his wife, Heather, owns the building out of which Garden Child Care Centre operates, has also raised the issue in the past.

RELATED: North Saanich daycare moves with pandemic

Hastings, who also owns Hastings Martial Arts along with Keynote Academy operating out of the building, said a crosswalk at that location would help ensure the safety of youth training out of the martial business, as youth use the Victoria International Airport Walking and Biking Trail on the other side of Mills Road for physical fitness.

McCullough would also like to take children attending the daycare across the street for westbound trips to Jubilee Park with its airplane-themed equipment and Patricia Bay Park on the ocean-facing side of West Saanich Road, which intersects Mills Road at a right angle.

“We, of course, don’t do that because we just don’t feel safe with a big group crossing where there is no crosswalk,” she said. The sidewalk closest to the daycare lies some distance to the east — away from Jubilee and Patricia Bay parks — where Mills Road intersects Beacon Avenue.

A crosswalk also exists where Mills Roads intersects West Saanich Road.

McCullough said a sidewalk would also improve safety for children who travel to and from North Saanich’s free-ride park, as well as elderly pedestrians in the area.

“We play outside,” she said. “Our outdoor play area is right at the corner of Mills Road and Littlewood (Road) and we see on a daily basis how many people are trying to cross the road and how fast the cars drive in that section.”

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