The Oyama Fall Fair was on last weekendMatthew AbreyOyama firefighters work the BBQ at the Oyama Fall Fair last weekend. Alex Wilkes (left) along with Uriah Stene were on the grill while Gary Rawsthorne is in the back.

The Oyama Fall Fair was on last weekendMatthew AbreyOyama firefighters work the BBQ at the Oyama Fall Fair last weekend. Alex Wilkes (left) along with Uriah Stene were on the grill while Gary Rawsthorne is in the back.

Oyama rallies for fall fair

Event at Oyama in Lake Country goes over well after annual Fun Days are cancelled

Better late than never was a prevalent theme surrounding the Oyama Fall Fair held last Sunday.

With the Oyama Fun Day originally scheduled for June cancelled due to the flooding impact on the Oyama Community Hall and baseball diamond, the event was rescheduled for last weekend.

Deb Butler, with the Oyama Community Club, said the event was well-attended and a reflection of the community motto to keep calm and take everything in stride.

Oyama Fun Day is an important fundraiser for the club, a volunteer-driven organization that is responsible for managing the community hall facility.

“We just worked around some of the issues such as the ball field being unusable at this point, and the Legion branch held its open house as their downstairs space goes through the final stages of its flood damage repairs,” Butler said.

“We don’t fret about it, we just work to solve these things as they come.

Butler said with the influx of new residents to Oyama, the event was a bit of an education for newcomers to learn about Oyama’s traditions, one of the foremost being the operation of the community hall.

“Many people often think the community hall is run by the district, where in fact it is volunteers supporting the (Oyama Community Club) that keep our hall going.”

She noted events like last weekend’s fall fair contribute to yearly fundraising efforts to pay for ongoing hall operating costs and future improvements.

Butler said it’s too early yet to tabulate the fundraising result of the Oyama Fall Fair, but the turnout and positive response to the event suggests a positive outcome.

“People were already talking about how we should do another one next year,” Butler laughed.

“But events like these just show what a strong sense of community there is in Oyama.”


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