Two T-Rexes were seen in Mission’s Centennial Park. Facebook photo / Krystal Elizabeth.

Pack of T-Rexes spotted prowling, shopping in Mission

Sightings may confirm recent fossil evidence suggesting that tyrannosaurs lived in packs

  • Apr. 20, 2021 12:00 a.m.

A curious pack of long-extinct dinosaurs have been witnessed prowling a local park and shopping centre in Mission.

Photos of two ferocious tyrannosaurus rexes were snapped at Centennial Park, where they may have been hunting. Three more were captured at the Junction Shopping Centre with a baby stroller, apparently shopping.

It’s unconfirmed whether the stroller contained a cold-blooded or human baby.

The sightings may confirm recent fossil evidence suggesting these apex predators did not live alone.

On Monday, April 19, research coming out of the University of Arkansas bolstered the theory that these massive carnivores actually lived in packs.

Paleontologists studying a mass tyrannosaur death site, which was found seven years ago in the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument in southern Utah, have used geochemical analysis on the bones and rock and determined the fossil collection is not the result of being washed in from other areas.

This is the third mass grave for the species discovered in North America, the first being found in Alberta over 20 years ago, leading to the formulation of the “social tyrannosaurs theory.”

RELATED: Mass fossil site may prove tyrannosaurs lived in packs

– with files from ASSOCIATED PRESS

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Mission City Record


The sightings may confirm recent fossil evidence suggesting these apex predators did not live alone. Facebook photo / Emma Key.