SAR Tech crews putting on their gear in a CH-149 Cormorant helicopter. The crew is part of 442 Transport and Rescue Squadron. Black Press file photo

Parachute training set for CFB Comox

The training will commence Aug. 16 and is expected to be completed by Aug. 20

The Canadian Forces School of Search and Rescue will conduct parachute training for Search and Rescue Technicians at 19 Wing Comox from Aug. 16 to 20.

The training is essential to ensure the Canadian Armed Forces are able to respond to the needs of Canadians during search and rescue operations or whenever called upon to assist with emergency health services.

Weather conditions each day will determine the flight schedule and the prevailing winds will determine the flight path of the aircraft. Ensuring the participants are able to land safely at the designated drop zones is essential and increased aircraft noise from these activities can be expected.

Any questions may be directed to 19 Wing Comox Public Affairs at 250-339-8211 ext 7900 or

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