Parents to get dedicated space

Parents are getting a room of their own at Fairview Community School.

  • Nov. 7, 2011 12:00 p.m.

Parents are getting a room of their own at Fairview Community School.

Dave Hutchinson, superintendent of schools, approved the district parent advisory council’s request for space dedicated to association work and assigned them a classroom at Fairview.

“I think they’re a key stakeholder,” he said. “It seemed like a request we could and should honour.”

Hollie Tarasewich, president of the parents’ group, said the dedicated room is something the organization has been working on since last year.

She envisions the room as being a place where parents can come to access literature and resources, a drop in space open to people seven days a week.

The group also hopes to bring in guest speakers and hold informational seminars for all interested parents and the room will also serve as a place to keep the association’s documents and hold executive meetings, said Tarasewich.

“I want it to be for all parents,” she said.

Up until now, the association has used a room at Nanaimo District Secondary School for executive meetings once a month.

School district spokeswoman Donna Reimer said the district is drawing up an agreement for the two parties to sign.

Nanaimo News Bulletin