Park access limited

Because of the extreme fire hazard, there will be less activity than usual on Giant’s Head Mountain.

  • Jul. 23, 2014 12:00 p.m.

Because of the extreme fire hazard, there will be less activity than usual on Giant’s Head Mountain.

The Summerland Fire Department has restricted motor vehicle access on the narrow, winding road in Giant’s Head Mountain Park and the annual Giant’s Head Freeride longboarding event has been cancelled.

The road closure took effect July 18 in an effort to limit the risk of person-caused fires in the park.

Fire chief Glenn Noble said the last time Giant’s Head Mountain Park was closed to vehicle traffic was in 2003, during one of the most devastating fire seasons in the region.

Hikers are still allowed in the park, but Noble said further restrictions could be put in place unless fire hazard conditions change.

On Monday, the longboarding competition was also cancelled.

“This wasn’t an easy decision, but for the safety of the community and the public, it was the right thing to do,” Noble said.

“I think the risk is too great.”

While the temperatures had cooled over the weekend, the community did not receive much-needed precipitation. As a result, the fire danger rating is unchanged.

“If we don’t get some significant rain in the next little while, I foresee closures being more extensive,” he said.

Mayor Janice Perrino said the longboarding event would have brought around 100 participants to the community.

She added that the event organizers had been gracious and professional when the decision was made to cancel this year’s event.


Summerland Review