Parking and park considered by city

City attempts to ease potential conflict when road work reduces parking, Canadian Lakeview Estates wants park

There are attempts to ease potential conflict when road work leads to reduced parking.

Vernon council has directed staff to come forward with a policy that could prohibit road reconstruction from eliminating parking on at least one side of the road where parking currently exists.

“We’ve seen what happens when no parking is permitted on either side of the street,” said Coun. Catherine Lord referring to 20th Street where road work resulted in on-street parking being eliminated.

“I don’t want to see this happen again.”

Canadian Lakeview wants park

The City of Vernon is under pressure to address demands for a park at Canadian Lakeview Estates.

The Lakeview Estates Community Association says the Regional District of North Okanagan was on the verge of purchasing land for park, but because the city is now taking over jurisdiction of local parks, the process stalled.

“Over the past five years, our community has been encouraged to believe the proposed parkland would be a reality,” said Guy Morazain, LECA president.



Vernon Morning Star