Parking passes available to seniors

A senior citizen parking permit is available to anyone of 65 years or older.

  • Jan. 23, 2015 10:00 a.m.

A senior citizen parking permit is available to anyone of 65 years or older.

Under the City of Cranbrook’s Parking Meter Bylaw, vehicles that display a Senior Citizen Permit are not required to pay for metered parking through the downtown area.

Permits are available during regular business hours at City Hall.

Those applying for a Senior Citizen Permit are required to provide government issued identification showing your date of birth and a copy of the vehicle registration proving ownership.

Mayor Lee Pratt made a comment about the permits at the Monday council meeting, saying that a number of people asked him, during the election campaign and afterwards, about Area C residents not getting the parking passes.

The city will be issuing passes to Area C residents as well.

“I’m really glad to hear that,” Pratt said. “I think it shows good relationships between the city and Area C — which have been constrained at times.

“I agree that, although they’re seniors and they live outside of the city, they still come to town to do their business here and their doctor visits and that. I think this is a really good move and I thank staff for looking into that and implementing that because it is a really good move.”

CAO Staudt said their may have been some confusion on the city’s part in issuing the passes.

“Maybe we haven’t been consistently applying it,” Staudt said.

If you have questions specific to the Senior Citizen Permit, please contact City Hall at 250-426-4211.

Cranbrook Daily Townsman