Parking poses problem for Cardiff neighbourhood

Stop signs to go up at Frederick Norris and Kendal intersections

A couple new signs could pop up around Cardiff Place.

Oak Bay council opted for a pair of stop signs to grace Cardiff and a parking restriction on Redwood Avenue, despite residents seeking more.

In the fall Mayor Nils Jensen asked staff to investigate after a neighbourhood block party where he received a request for a stop sign at Cardiff and Kendal Avenue.

Engineering staff determined a new stop sign is warranted and found a new stop sign at Cardiff and Frederick Norris Road is also needed. Council agreed to have staff ready a traffic control order to install both.

Residents of the area were also looking for more parking regulations in the Cardiff Place and Redwood Avenue area, asking for “resident only” parking on Redwood and two-hour parking on the south part of Cardiff. Residents of Pelly Place sought “resident only” parking on their street or a “no parking in turn-around” sign.

Currently Cardiff Place is “resident only” parking on the north side of the street with no other restrictions in the area.

Residents who wrote claim that student parking has increased over the last few years and restrictions are needed.

Staff started monitoring the parking situation there in September at different times and days of the week and did not observe any difference in terms of the number of parked vehicles between streets with and without parking restrictions. Most of the time, there were empty parking spaces.

One resident attended the meeting, noting there is a “direct correlation” between the university and college being in session and parking overload.

On Pelly Place, parked vehicles in the turnaround area make turning difficult and staff recommend a “no parking in turn-around” sign to improve safety. Council agreed to the sign expected to cost roughly $150.

“I’m loathe to put parking restrictions where they’re not needed,” said Coun. Kevin Murdoch. He also noted the resident petitions came during a time when there were some frustration with one area home and parking that was dealt with last year.

He did ask staff to keep an eye on this situation. “It’s important we’re not missing something.”

Council members made the decisions while meeting as committee of the whole, meaning they are recommendations to council that have yet to be approved.





Oak Bay News