This parking on the east side of Martin Street will be removed permanently Monday morning (June 21, 2021) to put in the Lake to Lake bike lane. (City of Penticton)

Parking removed permanently to make way for bike lane in downtown Penticton

Work begins Monday morning to replace parking spots with bike lane on Martin Street

  • Jun. 20, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Impacts of the Lake to Lake bike route will be felt when the city permanently removes parking from the east side of Martin Street Monday morning.

As of Monday, June 21 at 6 a.m., no parking will be available on the east side of Martin Street as a result of the Lake to Lake bike route construction project, the city announced on its Facebook page.

Construction crews will be working in the parking areas to create the two-way cycle track on Martin.

“We appreciate your patience with the creation of this project,” said the city.

Work is well underway at intersections along the Lake to Lake bike route.

The city looks to go ahead with continued construction despite the summer tourism season.

“Staff are in regular contact with businesses along all construction sections to ensure impacts are minimized and concerns are heard,” said city communications manager Philip Cooper. “A letter on this specific topic was drafted yesterday (June 16) and is being delivered to businesses.”

At a special meeting March 31 Penticton city council unanimously approved the controversial bike lane project’s final design and funding, with a summer completion date.

READ MORE: Council unanimously supports bike lane funding and completion

Originally the cost estimates were around $8 million, with the city receiving a $1 million grant towards the project.

However costs of lumber and concrete have gone up substantially since council approved the project last year.

The bike lane has received severe criticism both on cost and timing, the latter related to the pandemic.

The city has also purchased 30 new bike racks that will be installed between the library and Lakeshore Drive.

The city says they plan to work with property owners and businesses to identify the best places to locate the racks.

READ MORE: Lake to Lake bike lane ahead of schedule

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