Barber Park was almost deserted on March 19, 2020. (Jennifer Feinberg/ The Chilliwack Progress)

Barber Park was almost deserted on March 19, 2020. (Jennifer Feinberg/ The Chilliwack Progress)

Parks and playgrounds stay open for now in Chilliwack

Mayor says people have to use their common sense and stay two metres away even in parks

The safety of children playing in close proximity to each other at Chilliwack playgrounds and parks has become an issue at a time when people need to be practising strict social distancing.

Mayor Ken Popove put out a call to the CAO of Fraser Health on Thursday to address some of the issues being raised about COVID-19 risks.

“I want to get some answers about parks,” Popove said. “Kids are climbing over each other on the play equipment.”

There are similar questions being raised by Cultus Lake Park Board officials who are looking at closing access to the Main Beach docks and maybe parking lots.

“People have to use common sense,” Popove said.

A conference call could bring answers, and maybe a directive to close off access to play structures.

Margaret Reid is a Chilliwack resident who posted her concerns about the risks presented local playgrounds with lots of kids playing on equipment.

She fired off a quick letter to mayor and council.

“I thanked them profusely for the hard work they are doing in this time of crisis, and then I explained that many families are not aware that viruses will live on playground equipment and it isn’t only a matter of distance,” she said.

“I asked the City if they could please close play spaces or make an official statement explaining why they need to be avoided, so people can make informed choices.”

The decision should be coming shortly.

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