A view of the Clachnacudainn East wildfire on Aug. 20. (Parks Canada)

A view of the Clachnacudainn East wildfire on Aug. 20. (Parks Canada)

Parks Canada creates fire break with controlled burn in Glacier National Park

On Monday Parks Canada fire crews created a fire break in the Caribou Pass in Glacier National Park.

  • Aug. 22, 2018 12:00 a.m.

On Monday Parks Canada fire crews created a fire break in the Caribou Pass in Glacier National Park.

By igniting forest fuels in the area, the intent was to stop the 30-Mile wildfire from spreading over the ridge at Caribou Pass onto adjacent provincial lands, keeping the fire in Glacier National Park, said a news release from Parks Canada.

The 30-Mile fire currently burns at around 2,000 hectares.

The Clachnacudainn East wildfire was also active on Monday afternoon. Fire crews were on the ground to actively suppress the fire as it neared the Trans-Canada Highway. It was around 275 hectares at the time.

While the fire is visible along the highway there are currently no impacts to through-travelers, the news release said.

Fire crews also responded to a new wildfire in the Mountain Creek area of Glacier National Park on Monday, which was approximatley 15 hectares.

The Mt. Cheops fire continues to burn at less than one hectare.

The fires in parks do no currently pose a risk to people or assets, however the Silvertip Canyon climbing area and trail in Mt. Revelstoke National Park and the Beaver Valley area and trails in Glacier National Park are currently closed.

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