Mount Kobau in the South Okanagan Grasslands. (Graham Osborne photo)

Mount Kobau in the South Okanagan Grasslands. (Graham Osborne photo)

Parks Canada not responsible for Mount Kobau blockade

Nearby residents have been vocal about plans to turn the area into a national park

  • Sep. 25, 2020 12:00 a.m.

A mysterious road blockade on Mount Kobau is not the doing of Parks Canada.

In a news release put out by Parks Canada today (Sept. 25), they said that a road on private property adjacent to the Fairview-Cawston road that connects to Mount Kobau has been blocked.

“While the area in question falls within the working boundary for the proposed National Park Reserve, Parks Canada has no jurisdiction or involvement in this matter,” the release stated.

“The federal government has no jurisdiction over property rights on privately owned land within or adjacent to national parks.”

The location of the blockade is adjacent to an area that has been proposed to become a national park.

The area is currently a mix of privately owned land and Crown land. Many nearby residents have been openly in opposition on social media against the area becoming park land.

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