Parks purchase plan sought

GVAC director pushes for parkland acquisition plan

One official wants to ensure restructuring of the parks system doesn’t throw property purchases off course.

Director Bob Fleming wants the Greater Vernon Advisory Committee to review and establish principles and criteria to guide future regional park acquisitions.

“I want important parkland acquisition to take place,” he said.

Vernon, Coldstream and the electoral areas are currently restructuring the parks system. While some sites will remain regional in scope, most parks will come under the control of individual jurisdictions.

Once the new structure is finalized, Fleming says the list of potential purchases must be considered and it must be determined if they are still of interest.

“Referendum money was set aside for parkland and new priorities must be arranged,” he said.

Private utilities debated

Input is still being sought on proposed guidelines for taking over private water and wastewater utilities.

The Greater Vernon Advisory Committee has set Dec. 14 as the deadline to receive comments on the draft utility acquisition policy.

“There have been a number of utilities approach us to be acquired or attach to our system,” said Zee Marcolin, utilities engineer.

The Interior Health Authority is requiring the private utilities to upgrade infrastructure, but because of the cost, they are turning to GVAC for help.

Chairperson Mike Macnabb says the goal of the policy is to ensure the customers of the private utilities don’t pass the cost of upgrades on to taxpayers.

“If a private utility comes forward, they will have to meet high standards,” he said.


Vernon Morning Star