Parks tax increase still unknown

Lumby and Cherryville residents still don’t know what they will pay for recreational amenities.

Lumby and Cherryville residents still don’t know what they will pay for recreational amenities.

While staff wanted some direction on a possible tax hike Tuesday, members of the White Valley Parks, Recreation and Culture Advisory Committee have not gone that route yet.

“We still haven’t got all of the facts and figures together yet so it’s hard to say what we’re looking at,” said chairperson Randal Ostafichuk.

“But we want to get our capital reserves up to where they should be.”

Traditionally, the parks and recreation tax requisition has increased three to four per cent annually.

No funds for library

The White Valley Parks, Recreation and Culture Advisory Committee is setting some limits as a landlord.

The committee has turned down a request from Okanagan Regional Library to spend $900 on window covers at the branch in the White Valley Community Centre.

“As a landlord, we are responsible for the building itself and this is more of a cosmetic matter,” said chairperson Randal Ostafichuk.

ORL will have to cover the cost of the blinds if they are installed.


Vernon Morning Star