Both Parksville and Qualicum Beach are seeing new recruits for their fire departments. (Photo submitted)

Both Parksville and Qualicum Beach are seeing new recruits for their fire departments. (Photo submitted)

Parksville and Qualicum Beach looking for firefighters

Those interested can attend regular practice night

  • Dec. 12, 2019 12:00 a.m.

Parksville and Qualicum Beach are looking for new firefighting recruits for 2020.

The two departments have joined efforts for their annual recruitment. Both departments are looking for volunteer paid-on-call firefighters who are interested in and passionate about the idea of firefighting.

People can come and check out open training night to get a sense of what it’s like. Parksville will have theirs on Monday, Feb. 24 and Qualicum Beach Fire will have theirs on Thursday, Feb. 27. Both practices run from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. and visitors are asked to arrive by 6:45 p.m.

READ MORE: Fire department open houses fire up communities

“Ideal candidates care about their community and will be physically fit, energetic, team players, positive and keen to learn new skills,” said Marc Norris, fire chief for Parksville and Qualicum Beach departments, in a press release.

Candidates should be:

·19 years of age or older (junior member – age 16)

· Healthy and physically fit (medical and fitness screening required), non-smoker

· Good driver (valid B.C. driver’s licence and good driving record)

· Of good character (RCMP security check required)

· Able and willing to commit to the community

· Live in the Parksville or Qualicum Beach fire protection areas

· Daytime availability preferred

· Able to attend weekly training sessions

Closing dates for applications is Friday, March 6 at 4 p.m. Applications can be found at and

— NEWS Staff

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