Parksville city staff will look at regulating advertising of cannabis and e-vape products in the city. (News file photo)

Parksville city staff will look at regulating advertising of cannabis and e-vape products in the city. (News file photo)

Parksville council moves to limit street advertising of cannabis, vape products

'This is a step in the right direction'

  • Dec. 18, 2019 12:00 a.m.

Parksville city staff members will look into investigating necessary bylaw amendments required to restrict the advertising of controlled substances at the eye level of young people.

The motion, put forward by Coun. Adam Fras at the Dec. 16 council meeting, specifically mentions sandwich boards that advertise cannabis, e-vape products, tobacco and liquor products.

“It’s to… rein in the advertising requirements in line with controlled substances that you would see for things like cigarettes, making sure that we have cannabis and other e-vape products, that are adult products falling on the same line of other controlled substances,” said Fras.

READ MORE: Qualicum Beach’s first cannabis store set to open Aug. 3

Fras says that he hasn’t looked at what other jurisdictions are doing, but rather the motion was based on his observations following the opening of several cannabis businesses around Parksville.

“I think it’s important that after we rolled out the cannabis business licensing that we look at how it’s going. … This was an issue that I saw, just mainly because of having adult products that are advertised at the eye level of children,” said Fras.

Coun. Teresa Patterson voiced her support, as did Coun. Doug O’Brien.

“The public are aware now that [vape products] aren’t quite as innocent and harmless as they were first advertised as. So I think this is a step in the right direction,” said O’Brien.

“If it just prevents the consumption or use from our youth at an early age, then I think is a very good piece that we should consider at this time,” said O’Brien.

The motion passed unanimously.

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