Parksville council strikes public art committee

Parksville council strikes public art committee

Delegation on commemorative art piece in Community Park spurs action

  • Jun. 19, 2018 12:00 a.m.

A delegation by a Parksville resident suggesting a commemorative art piece in Parksville Community Park has city council taking a closer look at public art in general.

Ann Tardiff presented her idea to council on Wednesday, June 6, proposing to have a metal sculpture built and installed at the park which would include space for plaques that residents could purchase to commemorate a loved one.

“Two years ago I went to Washington, D.C. and New York City and I was blown away with the commemorative art pieces in both of those cities,” said Tardiff in her presentation.

“We have such a gorgeous park here, I thought maybe it was time that we consider having a commemorative art piece in our community.”

Tardiff’s Art in the Park proposal included a mock-up of her design idea, with mountains, trees and the ocean represented.

She said a resin board could be part of the installation where plaques could be placed, similarly to benches.

“It is an art piece that could eventually pay for itself,” she said. “I would be willing to put my husband’s name on that plaque, and I’m sure that there are many people in our community who do not maybe have a religious affiliation with any specific church, but if they could commemorate their loved one in front of a beautiful art piece, I’m sure that they would be pleased to do so.”

Tardiff said she was looking for the city to support and be part of her proposed project.

After that, she said a design could be approved and a local artist consulted to discuss cost.

The proposal got a positive response from council, with Coun. Kirk Oates saying, “I think it’s a wonderful idea that deserves a little bit more exploration… I think it’s something that should be seriously considered and I think that it will be well received in our community.”

Coun. Sue Powell noted that there is an existing committee dealing with the priorities for the community park and suggested that Tardiff should make her presentation to that committee.

She made a motion to that effect, but accepted a friendly amendment by coun. Kim Burden to strike a new committee on public art. Council voted in favour of having such a committee struck and that Tardiff make her presentation to that committee.

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