Parksville residents concerned about new water pipe’s location

That and other news from city council's meeting last week

The Martindale Residents Association has asked Parksville city council to consider the potential damage to homes and yards connected to the rail line where the city proposes to run a new water pipe, part of the city’s new water system.

Association spokesperson Duane Round suggested the other side of the tracks — flatter and partially cleared previously for a fibre optic line — would be a better fit for the pipe.

“It just makes sense to us,” said Round.

Council directed staff to prepare a report on the issue.

• The Parksville Museum asked for, and received, permission to hold its Friday-night markets again this year.

Peter Kawerau of the Parksville and District Historical Society said the first market will be May 13. He said the market has provided excellent exposure for the museum. In the three years before the pilot year of 2014 for the market, the museum averaged 2,252 visitors. In 2014 that number jumped to 9,829 and to 13,333 in 2015.

• Council approved a development permit for changes to Wembley Mall that include a breezeway near the middle of the structure. Watch The NEWS for more about the changes at the mall. Council also approved a development permit for Canadian Tire at Wembley for a polycarbonate enclosure.

• The fence is already there. Now it’s officially in compliance.

A Pioneer Crescent resident had asked the city for a variance permit on a fence she already had constructed.

Council heard the resident constructed the fence, a little higher than what’s normally allowed, as a buffer to nearby business and for the safety of children.

Council approved the variance.

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