The public survey of the 76-acre area Parr Neighbourhood will help municipal staff make policy decisions on future development. District of Mission image.

Parr locals want to keep neighbourhood green, avoid densification, survey says

Mission council presented with results of a public survey on future development of 76-acre area

  • Mar. 4, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The public survey results for the future development of the 76-acre Parr neighbourhood in Mission are in.

Approximately 140 residents participated in the survey, which tracked the likes, dislikes and commentary on three land-use plans prepared by District of Mission staff. The results were shared with Mission councillors on March 1.

The input is meant to ensure optimal locations for diverse and affordable housing, and establish policy directions related to natural areas, parks and trails, transportation, as well as commercial development and urban design.

“It’s definitely going to be a tough balance between what the developers need and the needs of what the community wants here, which is clearly the feeling of open space,” said Coun. Mark Davies. “Those two things are definitely in juxtaposition to each other.”

Staff’s analysis broke the public comments down into 18 common themes represented in four categories: Natural environment, parks, trails, and public amenities area features (43 per cent of comments); commercial, infrastructure and other (21 per cent); housing (21 per cent); and streets and transportation (15 per cent).

The public comments were divided into four sections: Natural environment, parks, trails, and public amenities area features (green); commercial, infrastructure and other (red); housing (purple); and streets and transportation (blue). The infographic circles show the themes in each that received the most public comments. District of Mission image.

A total of 599 comments were made regarding the environment. Many respondents expressed a desire to protect wildlife habitat (270), the addition of a new park (175), functional public amenities like BBQ areas and playgrounds, (74), and a connected network of trails and paths (80).

The biggest concerns were developers clear cutting large areas, and a desire to expand protected natural areas.

The commercial and infrastructure section received a total of 291 comments, with many wishing to see commercial development along Stave Lake Street (130), alongside concern for infrastructure capacity due to growth in vehicle traffic, and water, sewer and stormwater usage (88).

Other comments brought up improved public spaces, mitigating impact on farm land, diversity in building design, building homes which reduce carbon emissions and space for food production.

The housing section had 283 comments, with opposition to density being the largest theme (124). Residents would rather see a concentration of single-family homes, relegating high-density developments to the commercial core area.

Some locals would like to see a mix of residential and commercial buildings along Stave Lake Street, with a few preferring to keep high density away from the area entirely (95). A key area concern was enhancing and preserving views of the natural hillside.

Other comments touched on the preferred housing types in the community, from affordable homes to townhouses.

The streets and transportation section had 202 comments in total, the largest theme being good vehicle access and safety on Stave lake Street (76), followed by reducing traffic congestion (53), walkability in the neighbourhood (35), parking (22) and public transit (16).

Stave Lake Street needs controlled intersections, safe walking, and access to commercial and school zones, the respondents said, with many citing safety concerns for children and animals crossing the road.

Staff are slated to complete the Parr Local Area Plan by summer, which will be followed by a public hearing.

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Mission City Record