

Partial solar eclipse will be visible in Port Alberni

Make sure you are wearing proper eye protection

  • Aug. 17, 2017 12:00 p.m.

A “partial” (magnitude 0.89) solar eclipse will be visible in Port Alberni on Monday, Aug. 21. This is the only eclipse (solar or lunar) that will be visible in Port Alberni in 2017.

According to timeanddate.com, the eclipse in Port Alberni will begin at 9:08 a.m. and end at 11:35 a.m., with the maximum view at 10:19 a.m.

The American Astronomical Society (AAS) warns that you should never look directly at the sun, even during a partial eclipse, as the sun’s UV radiation can burn the retinas in the eyes, leading to permanent damage, or even blindness. This can occur even if your eyes are exposed to direct sunlight for just a few seconds.

The only safe way to look directly at the sun is with proper eye protection, such as eclipse glasses or a sun filter. Ordinary sunglasses will not work.

The AAS has a list of reputable vendors of solar filters and viewers, available at http://eclipse.aas.org/resources/solar-filters. Welder’s glasses rated 14 or higher can also be used.

If you do not have the proper eye protection, there are some DIY options to watch the eclipse, including pinhole projection, optical projection and sun funnels. For instructions on how to build these, check out http://eclipse.aas.org/eye-safety/projection.

Taking photos of an eclipse should only be attempted with special-purpose solar filters.

Alberni Valley News