Rhonda Burr (left) receives the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal from Senator Nancy Greene Raine during a ceremony in Spallumcheen Wednesday.

Rhonda Burr (left) receives the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal from Senator Nancy Greene Raine during a ceremony in Spallumcheen Wednesday.

Passionate Spallumcheen volunteer earns Jubilee medal

Spallumcheen resident Rhonda Burr figures she’s just one small sliver of the large volunteer pie in the township.

Spallumcheen resident Rhonda Burr figures she’s just one small sliver of the large volunteer pie in the township.

But when it takes Mayor Janice Brown more than a minute to read the list of groups and organizations that Burr has been a part of, the picture becomes clear as to why Burr is a very deserving winner of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Award.

“I am totally humbled,” said Burr, who was accompanied to the award ceremony at Spallumcheen council chambers Wednesday by her husband, Bill.

“I am just such a small piece of the number of people who put many many hours of volunteerism into their communities.

“We have so many wonderful volunteers in our community, and I accept this award on their behalf.”

Burr has volunteered with the North Okanagan Minor Hockey Association the North Okanagan Junior Knights hockey club.

She lobbied for and successfully instituted a block watch program in Spallumcheen’s largest housing subdivision.

Burr has been instrumental with the Armstrong Co-Op as a board member, and in helping the Armstrong Co-Op Minor Soccer program.

She serves as a scrutineer during local government elections, and has been heavily involved with the Okanagan Regional Library including its Friends of the Library program.

Through the Vernon Ski Club, Burr was co-chairperson of the provincial J3 championships, and the Nancy Greene Ski League, which is why Wednesday’s presentation held some significance to the Burrs.

The medal was pinned on Burr’s jacket lapel by Senator Nancy Greene Raine, who was unaware of Burr’s contribution to the youth ski organization that bears her name.

“You give so much to youth in community, this is really a pleasure to give you this medal,” said Greene Raine, an Olympic ski champion.

“These medals were made to honour people who have done a longtime service to their community, making it better, and you certainly fit that bill.”

But the one organization that is so close to Burr’s heart is the North Okanagan Community Life Society, where she serves as co-chairperson.

“This has been my passion my entire life, having the opportunity to speak for those who can’t speak for themselves, mentally challenged adults,” said Burr.

Brown called Burr an inspiration to her and the township.

“All the programs that Rhonda has been involved with have been very successfully received by our community,” said Brown.

“Rhonda is the type of person who does not ask for recognition and neither accepts it.  She is a very passionate and community-minded individual who steps up no matter what challenges she faces in her own life.

“Rhonda is a very deserving candidate who has the respect of her community.”


Vernon Morning Star