Pavement marking contract awarded

A three-year pavement marking contract for $251,439 has been awarded to Yellowhead Pavement Marking Inc. by the city of Williams Lake.

A three-year pavement marking contract for $251,439 has been awarded to Yellowhead Pavement Marking Inc. by the city of Williams Lake.

The only other valid bid came from Aardvark Pavement Marking Services for $274,346.

Originally $71,000 a year was allocated for pavement marking in the city’s budget, however additional funds for 2014 will be allocated from the pavement maintenance account.

Sometimes it’s hard to know the dollar value of a project until the tenders come in, said CAO Darrell Garceau.

Staff has made provisions to account for the deemed cost overrun from a budget perspective.

All of council voted in favour of awarding the contract, except for Coun. Ivan Bonnell who was opposed because he felt a budget had already been set that was lower than the bids.

“In my estimation both bids should be rejected and staff should go back, review the scope of work and re-tender it,” Bonnell said.

It is over budget but time is running out, said Coun. Surinderpal Rathor.

If it has to go back to tender, the repainting won’t happen in time for the Stampede even, Rathor argued.

“As you recall, every year staff tries to have the work done before then,” Rathor said. “The Stampede is a big showcase for our community.”

Coun. Geoff Bourdon pointed out the cost is higher for the next two years because the project will also include eradicating older and incorrect paint markings that have been around for years in the city, costing $3,500 each year.

“It’s still just a 10 per cent variance and I don’t think that’s unreasonable,” Bourdon said. “I don’t think we’re going to come back with a better price by waiting any longer.”

The painting program has been trimmed in recent years to save costs, but it is becoming more expensive, manager of development services Geoff Goodall said.

Williams Lake Tribune