Credit: Peachland Fire and Rescue Services Facebook

Credit: Peachland Fire and Rescue Services Facebook

Peachland outdoor ice rink delayed

Tough weather has delayed the rink at Turner Properties

Peachland’s outdoor ice rink has been delayed due to weather.

A few days ago, volunteers starting flooding a rink located at Turner Properties.

“Mother Nature hasn’t cooperated much and made this a challenging start. It is looking very rough at the moment and there is still a week or so of flooding before we even consider skating on it,” according to the Peachland Fire and Rescue Service’s Facebook post.

The man-made ice rink has been delayed because of the combination of the snow and cold weather, said Peachland fire chief Dennis Craig. The snow on the rink created an uneven surface, which caused delays.

The fire department has been creating the outdoor rink for more than 10 years.

“We’ll get it again, we’ll have worst starts than this in the past,” said Craig.

He hopes the rink will be completed by the new year.

“Last year we were skating on it by this time, but last year we had the cold snap before the snow,” he said.

The fire department is also holding a Christmas tree chipping event for muscular dystrophy research Jan. 7. Residents can donate their trees at the Peachland Community Centre from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. or can call the fire department to pick up their trees by donation.



Kelowna Capital News